Ateres Bnos Ita
Ateres Matching campaign

Ateres Bnos Ita opened its doors in the fall of 2019 to educate the young women of the Greater Las Vegas community. Ateres is a girls high school that focuses on the growth of EACH individual, while not compromising academic excellence. The cornerstone of our school is the focus on each individual student and allowing her to grow and thrive with her unique set of qualities and capabilities. We highly encourage individuality, growth, questions, discussion, and hope our students develop a thirst for learning.

Ateres Bnos Ita has a complete Secular and Judaic Studies curriculum that both meets and exceeds the Nevada State Standards. We offer college-level CLEP courses, allowing our students to graduate high school with a significant head start into college. We are in the process of beginning accreditation through WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges), one of the highest accreditations available to a west coast high school in America. Our Kodesh classes cover a vast array of subjects, including Chumash, Navi, Jewish History, Halacha, and Parsha, as well as classes dedicated to focusing on personal growth. We also offer a leadership program to encourage our students to gain the necessary skills to become leaders within themselves and within their lives.

Ateres Bnos Ita is very proud of its extracurricular program. The girls are able to let their creative minds shine with our wide variety of programming. From student government to our Chessed program, our Mishmeres program, or our school production, a musical that includes acting, singing, and dancing. The list goes on and on, giving every girl her opportunity to showcase her unique talents, meanwhile building confidence and promoting self-growth.

We are a school that believes in supporting the entire student and focusing on teaching in a multifaceted and integrated manner. In the ever-changing times of the world, we MUST support the future generations of Klal Yisroel. Our goal is to help our students become whole, developed, healthy, accomplished, and most of all happy, hard-working individuals. These students are OUR future! We believe there is no more important cause than in supporting them. Now, we need YOUR help to achieve our goals. Please show us your support for our school and the incredible journey we are on. Every and any amount helps. YOU CAN HELP US continue our mission to provide a top-level education to our daughters and sisters by donating now.

Tizku l’mitzvos!

Our Matchers

Anonymous, Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Levitan, Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi Odzer, Rabbi & Mrs. Daniel Rubenstein
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